Status: Executing

What: URI is changing the way we handle names and pronouns in our institutional data systems. This effort will be guided by the ITGov principles adopted on November 8th, 2021.

Why: The University of Rhode Island has long recognized that personal identity, gender identity, and individual self-expression are important facets of an inclusive and equitable community. The time has come to have our institutional data systems reflect these same principles.

This is a large project involving nearly every institutional data system we currently operate. It will necessarily be a phased approach as we first modify our core data repositories and then work to have accurate data delivered to all other institutional data systems.

Phase 1: eCampus changes

Phase 2: Identity management systems

Phase 3: Ancillary system changes

We have a large group of ancillary systems that all need to reflect these changes. The following is only a partial list sorted roughly in order of the number of users.